
Rhinoplasty in Lahore  |  Nose Reshaping Surgery in Lahore

Our treatment of nose reshaping in Lahore Pakistan gives your nose a new look as you wish. Nose is the most prominent and noticeable part of your face. Overgrowth or deviation of the hard and soft part of the nose causes a weird look. If you want to reshape your nose, then Rhinoplasty is the best and effective option to regain your confidence and attractive appearance. All the relevant consequences of this treatment will be discussed thoroughly with patients.

Detailed conversation with doctor for Rhinoplasty in Lahore, Pakistan

Treatment of nose reshaping in Lahore Pakistan improves the look of your nose. Dr. Mufassar Nishat will diagnose your nose and will ask you about your main concerns. After listening to you, he will suggest the right treatment which gives you maximum results within a suitable price. Don’t panic; just discuss about your new look. If this will not be obtainable then Dr. Mufassar Nishat will tell you that your demands are not attainable.

Why is Rhinoplasty a safe procedure?

It is a safe and secure procedure because it is high in the hands of an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon. Rhinoplasty, Nose Plastic Surgery in Lahore and Nose Reshaping in Lahore Pakistan are different names of one treatment. Achievement of your new nose shape depends on the present condition of your nose. Normally, Dr. Mufassar Nishat, Plastic Surgeon informs his patients about the expected outcomes and tells them how much is possible to rebuild your nose shape.

Why is it beneficial for patients to select our clinic services for Rhinoplasty?

Plastic Surgeon’s Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Clinic is the most advanced facility. Our staff always welcomes you in a happy mood and takes care of all your requirements to give you effective outcomes.

Our plastic surgeon Dr. Mufassar Nishat is high qualified and has many years of experience in:

  1. Rhinoplasty in Lahore
  2. Rhinoplasty in Sialkot (Bashir Hospital)
  3. Rhinoplasty in Gujarat (Ikram Hospital)
  4. Rhinoplasty in Faisalabad (Faisal Hospital)
  5. Rhinoplasty in Gujranwala (Central Hospital)

He is the best nose surgeon among the top ten Cosmetic Surgeons and Plastic Surgeons in Pakistan. His satisfied Rhinoplasty patients are large in numbers that belong from Lahore, Sialkot, Gujarat, Faisalabad and Gujranwala Pakistan.

A road-map to choose Rhinoplasty surgeon in Lahore Pakistan

You must be focused while choosing for best Rhinoplasty surgeon in Lahore Pakistan, best Rhinoplasty Clinic in Lahore and best nose job in Lahore Pakistan. The relevant doctor must have plastic surgery qualification rather than an MBBS degree as mentioned by the Pakistan Medical Commission. Relevant doctor must be registered as a plastic surgeon with the Pakistan Medical Commission. All the clinics having this facility, Rhinoplasty in Lahore Pakistan, should be registered with the Punjab Healthcare Commission.

Price range of Rhinoplasty in Lahore Pakistan

Our clinic offers the most effective price range with more prominent results of Rhinoplasty treatment. Fee range of this treatment depends on the current shape of your nose and your concerns. Dr. Mufassar Nishat, Plastic Surgeon will provide you a modified plan which will be according to your budget. We encourage our customers to visit our private clinic.

Medical tourism package for Rhinoplasty Lahore Pakistan

Its reputation is growing rapidly, especially for those Pakistanis who live in other foreign countries. It is now easy for them to get this treatment in Pakistan. Our Rhinoplasty tourism packages are reliable and less expensive. You can call us at any time for more and more information.

Different effective Rhinoplasty procedure in Lahore Pakistan

Normally, Rhinoplasty is performed by injecting local or general anesthesia. Local anesthesia shot is mandatory in Bony Hump Correction and Alar Reduction. While fine tip work, septal improvement or inclusive nasal correction requires general anesthesia. This procedure takes almost 2-4 hours. You can go back within the same day. Dressing and stitches can be removed after a week. All these parameters vary according to every patient’s condition.

Main kinds of Rhinoplasty

  • Closed Rhinoplasty Lahore Pakistan
  • Open Rhinoplasty Lahore Pakistan

Closed Rhinoplasty Lahore, Pakistan

It is normally the nose reshaping surgery in which cuts and stitches do not occur. The nose is normally operated with small holes from the inner side of the nose which are invisible from the exterior side of the nose. Small holes can be stitched with tiny stitches which do not require take off.

The close Rhinoplasty Lahore Pakistan is not appropriate for every patient. Dr. Mufassar Nishat, Plastic Surgeon will inform you at the time of consultation whether it is suitable for you or not. Normally, this treatment is best for those who need perfection in the nasal hump. Alar reduction if needed then cut from outside the nose and stitches will be mandatory.

Open Rhinoplasty Lahore, Pakistan

In this procedure, nasal skin is lifted by a small cut in the Columella. All the skin is lifted so the main target area is clear and can be operated easily as compared to closed Rhinoplasty treatment.

This procedure is for those who want a more elaborate nose and particularly when it needs more improvement at the tip area. Small scar of a cut normally fades away after a short time. Open tip Rhinoplasty is appropriate for most of the cases. Time of recovery depends on the procedure type.

After care of best Rhinoplasty Lahore, Pakistan

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery in Lahore Pakistan is the most rapid recovery of Rhinoplasty. This surgery is done within a day and you can go back to your home. There will be a bandage on the nose area for a week.

Dr. Mufassar Nishat places inner splints in the nose that can be removed within a week. There will be a packing in the internal side of your nose for 2-3 days then can be removed. During this period, you can breathe by mouth. Frequent water sipping will be suitable to keep your throat moist.

You can go to your office after 7 days and start your gym after 4-6 weeks. Nose can swell after this treatment. You can notice final results after 6-8 months.

If you are enjoying medical tourism Rhinoplasty then you can go back after one week.

Are there any side effects of this procedure?

Rhinoplasty is a safe treatment if performed by an expert plastic surgeon. Bruising and swelling can be noticed around the nose area which usually fades away after a week. Contour irregularities, infection and scar appearance are the limited side effects of this treatment.